
  According toActs 1:4-8, before Jesus ascended to heaven he told his followers that they would soon be “baptized with the Holy Spirit”. He said that this baptism would give them miraculous powers which they could use to help spread their new faith to other people.

   The promised baptism took place a short time later on the Jewish day of Pentecost. As described in Acts 2:1-47, the followers of Jesus were meeting together in a large house in Jerusalem when a sound like a rushing wind suddenly surrounded them, and flames of fire descended upon them. As the Holy Spirit filled them, they began to speak in tongues.

   In this passage the word “tongue” means a foreign language. Thus the followers of Jesus were miraculously talking in many different languages. This caught the attention of people in the street outside the house, many of whom were foreigners, because they heard voices speaking their own languages. When a large crowd gathered, Peter went outside and explained how the miracle had occurred. As aresult, many people were converted to the new faith.